I have a confession... I'm trying my absolute hardest not to over-do or over indulge in the Cape Blazer trend. Right now I have 2 and one of the way. That's going to be it for me this season... I promise... I hope...
This cape blazer has been featured a few times on different plus size fashion blogs. My first time seeing it was on the lovely Marie of The Curvy Fashionista when she wore it to the Thiq Boutique's Fashion Showcase. I was soooo obsessed with it I had to have it. You know something is meant for your closet when you can think of at least 10 different ways to wear it.
So far this is my second time wearing it (I couldn't get pictures from the first time I wore it :-( ). I wore it to my cousin's wedding.
Cape Blazer {[SimpleBe]} (It's on sale now!) Dress {[Fashion to Figure]} Pumps {[ASOS similar]} Jewelry {[Necklace-H&M Earrings-Forever 21]}
This definitely will not be the last time you will see me in this blazer. I probably wont do another outfit post but you can follow me on Facebook and Instagram to see the other 8+ wears I plan to wear this blazer. :-)
As always, thanks for tuning in! Until next time, Two fingaz!
As always, thanks for tuning in! Until next time, Two fingaz!
Awesomeness as usual!